
Brain Dead (1990)

I had not previously seen this film, but this came as a request from a fan. I had most of the locations in my catalog from previous visits to the Japanese Gardens, but added a couple other locations as well.

The main location is “Lakeside” which is actually the administration building at the Japanese Garden at 6100 Woodley Avenue in Lake Balboa, California.

This building and grounds have been used very often in movies such as Dead Heat.

The gardens in the background were used many times in Alias.

The reverse shot is in a slightly different spot.

Next are two locations I haven’t visited, but included some Google streetview shots for now. The first is his office which is the Banks Huntley Building at 634 S Spring Street in Los Angeles.

His house is at 11853 Nebraska Avenue in Los Angeles.

I’m still missing the restaurant location if anyone has that figured out, let me know!

Here is me and Bill Pullman.